A "review of the best" -- forms (depositions, settlements, litigation, and trials); trial notebook system (organization, forms, trial procedures, law, tactics advice); books to learn or improve your litigation, discovery, or trial skills.
These selections are limited to what we think are the "one best of field," providing lawyers and superior tools, law, tactics, and advice to win! The objective of this site is to give you sound advice on where to find the practical litigation law summaries, the tools --- from complete trial notebooks to the forms for depositions, settlements, discovery --- and the books that lawyers can use to become better in discovery, settlement and trial.
When you get to a deposition or to the courthouse for trial, everything will be in order. The object of this trial notebook system is deposition and courtroom success through ability to organize and knowing what to do, when, and how. This Trial Notebooks site is a one product site, designed to sell only one product: a trial notebook for lawyers and legal assistants. The author is a noted trial attorney. This is an extremely well thought-out trial notebook system that has been used successfully by thousands of attorneys. Read More!
This site does have a a range of forms articles to speed you on your way, but the core of its product catalog are the deposition question outline forms. The motto of LawyerTrialForms™ -- "Making good lawyers better" -- is really what these excellent legal forms do. Many of the forms contain a bonus of short summaries of the law or pages of excellent advice on tactics.
Litigation lawyers and their legal assistants already know that deposition legal forms, checklists, and deposition outlines give you a head start. The more experienced they are, the more they start a project from a form. It is because forms allow you to do litigation, deposition, and trial preparation faster and easier. This site has a broad selection of quality "best available" trial and litigation forms. Read More!
The nearly inevitable settlement of the lawsuit comes after attorney participation in negotiation or in an alternative dispute format, e.g., mediation, arbitration, mini-trials. Settlement through negotiation and alternative dispute resolution dominate the outcome of almost all litigation today. This site is developing a number of legal negotiation, settlement tools, tactics and advice, and forms for use throughout the negotiation process until final closing and "nail down" of the settlement. "Settlement forms are power tools" Read More!
Their handbook is a real summary of the law involved in prosecuting or defending attorney fee awards, plus it has forms, such as deposition or trial testimony checklists for the expert testifying on the reasonableness of the attorney fee being asserted. "Compact handbook of law, tactics, forms for attorney fee award litigation" is done in the style of the familiar "X for Dummies", or the "X in a Nutshell" series. It's designed to be read completely (a two hour read) at the start of the case, so that you have a good grounding for either making a claim, or defending against a claim, for an "reasonable attorney fee."
Their book Attorney Fee Awards: a handbook for attorneys" is packed with information, but not a multi-volume work on attorney fees. If you want "all the law," buy the multi-hundred sets on attorney fee awards offered by major law publishers. But if you want a readable handbook to point the way (plus give you forms) this is for you. Visit AttorneyFeeAward.com
Here are a handful of the best books of advice for lawyers on how to manage their discovery, settlements, and trials -- to win! Read More!
Best Trial Notebook System & Text
Best Legal Forms for Discovery, Litigation & Trial
Best Settlement & Negotiations Form
Best Attorney Fee Awards Handbook
Our site serves as a reviewer of books and legal forms for litigation and trial attorneys. We furnish you the links to publishers, book and form distributors for the items reviewed.
Each vendor we list on this website has a satisfaction guarantee of 100'% satisfaction or your money back.
Trademarks and Copyrights 2000 to 2025, Leonard Bucklin. All intellectual property rights protected and reserved worldwide. Read Copyright, Trademark, Warnings, Disclaimers, Terms of Use, and other Legal Notices in our Full Legal Notices.
The legal forms, books, deposition and trial checklists, testimony question outlines and other lawyer litigation tips, tactics, and tools we review at this site are intended only for attorneys and their legal assistants. They provide information to attorneys about the subject matter covered, but are provided or sold with the understanding that the author, editor, and publisher. and this website, do not render legal or other professional services. Purchasers should themselves research original sources of authority and local law. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, seek the service of a competent professional.
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